Who we are

Behind Labour InjuryAdvocates is a team of in personal injury specialised, driven lawyers with a total of more than 60 years of legal experience. A guarantee of expertise, commitment and decisiveness. Our aim is to "get out what's in it" for you. A settlement if possible, with or without the help of mediation, and proceedings if necessary! We can go straight to court if you do not get your right. Personal injury firms cannot do this and legal expenses insurers do not want to. Therefore, they cannot really put pressure on the other party. Surely you won't settle for that!

Our specialists

Why choose ArbeidsletselAdvocaten?

From the moment you contact us, we immediately take worries out of your hands. First of all, we investigate who is liable. Sometimes this is easy. But sometimes there is a long way to go before liability is acknowledged by the perpetrator or his insurer, especially if a court has to consider the case because the other party disputes its liability. And as we know, insurance companies are not usually eager to pay compensation either.

Once the liability of the other party has been established, we will proceed to estimate the damages. In doing so, we not only estimate the damages you have suffered up to that point, but above all the income you will lose in the future. This includes, in particular loss of income and pension damage. Of course, all other damages and costs are also claimed and compensation advanced. 

In the event that you can no longer do your job, we focus on reintegration in suitable work. Ultimately, no one just wants to be 'sitting at home on the couch'. Labour InjuryAdvocates then, when determining your damages, always looks for a careful balance between compensation in kind and a monetary amount. Our goal is to 'get out what's inside'. After all, as a personal injury victim, you are entitled to full compensation under Dutch law. Therefore, you do not have to settle for less.

We are at your service

As personal injury lawyers, we understand the impact on your life and are happy to help claim your damages. Contact us with no obligation.

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