The roadmap: how we help!

We understand that the route - to get compensation for your damages - may be difficult for you. You have probably not dealt with personal injury before. To reach fair compensation, we have worked out a number of steps. How do we proceed at Labour Injury Lawyers? We explain below:

Our roadmap

Step 1. The first conversation; what happened and what are your chances?

In our first free consultation, we will listen to what exactly happened, ask you a number of questions and use these to try to come to an initial assessment. We look at what information is still missing and what your chances as well as your risks are. Based on this, we can give you a clear proposal of how ArbeidsletselAdvocaten will handle your case. We will include this in a written plan of action.

If you decide to seek compensation for your personal injury damages from the liable party, we will take care of this other party for you hold it accountable. This is done by means of a (registered) letter or e-mail.

There may also be multiple parties legally liable. For example, when you are involved in a industrial accident have been assigned by an employment agency, both the employment agency and the hiring employer are liable.

If the liable party refuses to respond or rejects liability, Labour InjuryAdvocates - in consultation with you - will initiate legal proceedings. 

Once the liable party or (usually) his insurer has acknowledged liability, the compensation process starts. In this process, we will comprehensively assess your injuries and the financial damage you suffer.

This starts with requesting available medical records about your injury. The treatments you have undergone and any disability. To do so, we engage one of the medical advisers with whom ArbeidsletselAdvocaten works. They will request information from your GP, physiotherapist and treating specialists with your consent.

They also collect information from the company doctor and the UWV's insurance doctor. Our medical advisor will then give a medical opinion on your injury. 

This can prove to the other party the injury, the extent of your limitations and the connection to the accident. It also identifies any future risks.

At the same time, we will take stock of your financial losses. To do so, we will discuss all possible damage items with you in detail. The damage you have suffered up to that point will be incorporated into an initial overview. We then submit it to the liable party.

Labour InjuryAdvocaten requests the liable party, but usually his insurer, to compensate the damages as well as to pay an advance on (upcoming) future damages. This is to prevent you from getting into financial trouble. If this party does not compensate the damage suffered, we can take this to court.

During the entire claim settlement process, we will always draw up a new claim overview in the interim. We do this so that your ongoing damage is also compensated during this process.

In the event that you have become incapacitated by the accident and can therefore no longer perform your job, we focus on reintegration into suitable work. At the end of the day, no one wants to 'sit at home on the couch', but earn money themselves.

As a personal injury victim, you are entitled to compensation for these costs vis-à-vis the liable party. We work together with several reputable reintegration agencies, which can assist you in returning to work at the expense of the liable party. The ultimate goal is a suitable position that suits you, both in terms of your taxability and your wishes.

During the claims process, your recovery and reintegration will be monitored. If your medical situation no longer changes, we speak of a so-called final medical condition. In case of serious or complex injuries, it is often still necessary to hire an independent medical expert. This expert will examine the extent of your permanent injury and its consequences. Based on this examination, it can be determined what you will and will not be able to do in the future. 

When there is a final medical condition and the reintegration process is also completed, your total damages can be calculated and settled.

Sometimes the calculation of certain damage items towards the future is complicated. For example, in case of future income damage and pension damage. In that case, ArbeidsletselAdvocaten can call on arithmetical firms in our network to calculate these damages 'down to the decimal point', so that you are not short of anything.

If an agreement on compensation is reached with the liable party, this agreement is recorded in a so-called settlement agreement. If an agreement cannot be reached, we can go to court.

We are at your service

As personal injury lawyers, we understand the impact on your life and are happy to help claim your damages. Contact us with no obligation.

Call 013-463 37 77 or send us a message:

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About ArbeidsletselAdvocaten

We are a team of personal injury lawyers in the heart of North Brabant. Our experienced specialists assist victims. Our lawyers understand that in addition to physical damage, an accident also has an emotional and financial impact. We therefore offer personal and professional support, straight from the heart. Our office is located in Tilburg. But for all North Brabant victims, we are also happy to come to your home. With us by your side, you will get the help you need to get your personal injury compensation justly compensated.

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