Personal injury compensation

When you have suffered personal injury, you naturally want to be compensated for these damages. A personal injury compensation is possible when you suffer damages as a result of your injuries. This may include material damages such as missed income, costs for medical care, travel expenses, costs for domestic help and help with garden and maintenance of your home. But also intangible damages such as impairment of your body, pain and misery.

Labour InjuryAdvocates knows when you are entitled to compensation. Injury and the damages and costs it causes can cause a lot of grief, anger and stress. Our lawyers are therefore happy to assist you in recovering these costs from the liable party.

When am I entitled to compensation?

Claiming damages can when you are a victim of injuries for which another person is liable, for example, your employer or a motorist. When another person is liable for the injuries sustained, they must compensate all damages and costs. Usually, the insurer of the liable party will cover these damages.

Determining whether another party is liable and you are entitled to compensation requires the right knowledge. Such as of working conditions laws, traffic regulations, protocols in medical treatment, etc. Determining liability often involves more than a victim thinks. Labour InjuryAdvocates knows exactly how liability law works. And is therefore happy to help you obtain compensation for all damages.

Filing a personal injury claim

If the person who caused your injury (e.g. employer, motorist or doctor) is found liable, you can claim personal injury. For this, it is important to know how much damage is involved. Not only now but also in the future. We take your worries off your hands by doing these calculations for you and claiming the compensation.

With ArbeidsletselAdvocaten's knowledge and network, the exact amount of damages and costs involved can be calculated. After which our lawyers submit a personal injury claim to the liable party. This way, you get the compensation you are entitled to.

We are at your service

As personal injury lawyers, we understand the impact on your life and are happy to help claim your damages. Contact us with no obligation.

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Difference between damages and punitive damages

Smart money is a form of compensation. With smart money, you are compensated for the intangible damage you suffered. This includes, for example, the physical pain caused by the injury and the psychological impact of the injury.

Compensation is a broader concept. Material costs such as travel expenses, hospital costs and, for example, broken clothes or missed income can also be compensated. This then does not fall under damages, but you can get compensation for these.

About ArbeidsletselAdvocaten

We are a team of personal injury lawyers in the heart of North Brabant. Our experienced specialists assist victims. Our lawyers understand that in addition to physical damage, an accident also has an emotional and financial impact. We therefore offer personal and professional support, straight from the heart. Our office is located in Tilburg. But for all North Brabant victims, we are also happy to come to your home. With us by your side, you will get the help you need to get your personal injury compensation justly compensated.

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