
News releases

Serious arm injury from exploding bottle of sparkling wine

Serious arm injury from exploding bottle of sparkling wine Rotterdam court 26 March 2018 The fatal accident [...]

Employee falls down stairs when moving office chair

Employee falls down stairs when moving office chair: employer liable for personal injury North Holland District Court 7 March [...].

Mistreatment "in the workplace"

Assault "on the shop floor" Gerechtshof 's-Hertogenbosch 30 January 2018 This case concerns an employee working [...]

Personal injury caused by fall from stand in sports hall

Personal injury caused by fall from stand in sports hall Hague Court of Appeal 22 August 2017 A woman [...]

Serious personal injury due to a stack of pallets falling on an employee

Serious personal injury due to a stack of pallets falling on an employee Central Netherlands court 20 June 2017 [...]

Injury sustained in escape room: operators liable

Injury sustained in escape room: operators liable Court Zeeland-West Brabant 18 January 2017 An escaperoom is an [...]

AOV: post-whiplash syndrome 'medically objectifiable'!

AOV: post-whiplash syndrome 'medically objectifiable'! East Brabant District Court 1 September 2016 In 2010, a woman [...] happened to [...]

No own fault by grabbing stray dog to protect own dog

No own fault by grabbing stray dog to protect own dog Court of Amsterdam 14 July [...]

Road authority (municipality) liable for cyclist fall due to long crack in road surface

Road authority (municipality) liable for cyclist fall due to long crack in road surface Hague Court of Appeal d.d. [...]

Accident on company premises also falls under employer's duty of care

Accident on company premises also falls under employer's duty of care Court of Appeal 's-Hertogenbosch dated 8 January 2016 This [...]

Employer liable for employee burnout?

Employer liable for employee burnout? Amsterdam Court of Appeal 20 September 2011 and The Hague Court of Appeal 27 [...]

Pedestrian gets insulation slab on head

Pedestrian gets insulation plate on head Amsterdam Court of Appeal dated 29 September 2015. In this case [...]

Mistreatment of employee by supervisor after working hours: employer not liable

Mistreatment of employee by supervisor after working hours: employer not liable Amsterdam Court of Appeal 11 August 2015. [...]

Occupational accident during welding work on ship.

Occupational accident during welding work on ship. What if the cause of the accident is not established [...]

What is a reasonable amount of damages?

What is a reasonable amount of damages? Overijssel District Court 23 February 2015 A pedestrian is [...]

Employer's duty of care in remote work

Employer's duty of care in remote work Supreme Court, 5 December 2014 Facts Employee was [...]

Worker falls two metres into culvert during mowing operation

Employee falls two metres into culvert during mowing work Cantonal court in Gouda dated 8 November 2014. [...]

Loss of earning power

Loss of earning capacity single mother, working full-time or part-time, domestic and painting work, damages and compensation [...]

Group care worker assaulted by youths

Group leader care facility attacked by youths Amsterdam Court of Appeal 15 January 2013 This ruling concerns an employee [...]

Self-employed worker suffers serious accident while working

ZZP-er suffers serious accident while working. Principal liable for personal injury Supreme Court 23 March 2012. [...]

Wassenaar councillor to female councillor: 'curtains closed and clothes off'

Wassenaar councillor to female councillor: 'curtains closed and clothes off' sexual harassment in workplace [...]

Mechanic ignites flame at explosive liquid.

Mechanic ignites flame near explosive liquid. Employer liable for personal injury. Breda District Court 4 January 2012 [...]

Volunteer accident victim during evacuation drill.

Volunteer accident victim during evacuation drill. Shipyard liable? A shipyard in Schiedam held an evacuation drill on [...].

Labour Inspectorate exonerates employer for industrial accident.

Labour inspection indemnifies employer for industrial accident. 's-Hertogenbosch Court of Appeal 12 July 2011 A [...]...

Missed broadcast? Labour injury lawyers on News Hour!

Missed broadcast? Labour injury lawyers in Nieuwsuur! Last night, the TV programme Nieuwsuur broadcast part of its [...]

Tonight at 22.00 on Netherlands 2: Labour InjuryAdvocates in Nieuwsuur!

Tonight at 10pm on Netherlands 2: Labour InjuryAdvocates in Nieuwsuur! Every year, within the meat sector, many [...]

Co-owner liable for damage caused by premises

Co-owner liable for damage caused by premises Supreme Court 8 October 2010 A young woman hung [...]

Mechanic due to own fault victim of road accident

Mechanic by own fault victim of road accident: (also) hiring employer liable in absence of adequate insurance [...]

Mail delivery man falls on driveway of house; employer liable on grounds of good employment practice

Mail delivery man falls on driveway of house; employer liable on grounds of good employment interlocutory judgment Utrecht District Court [...].

SCC certificate: no employer liability after employee falls down stairs

SCC certificate: no employer liability after employee falls down stairs Supreme Court 21 May 2010 A [...]

Employer liability OPS (painter's disease) employee

Employer's liability OPS (painter's disease) employee Supreme Court 5 March 2010 An employee died at the age of 23 [...].

Choosing personal injury firm or lawyer?

Choosing personal injury firm or lawyer? Radar 11 January 2010 The television programme Radar last Monday asked [...]

Partial dispute procedure: faster settlement of personal injury or death damage possible

Partial dispute procedure: faster settlement of personal injury or death damage possible Ministry of Justice 16 December 2009 There will be [...]

Civil servant personal injury and government (municipality) liability

Personal injury civil servant and government (municipality) liability Supreme Court 30 October 2009 Recently, the Supreme Court [...]

Affection damage, Shock damage, claim for damages for next of kin

Affection damage, Shock damage, claim for damages for next of kin Supreme Court 9 October 2009 On 31 March 2001, [...]

Orchestra liability for hearing damage cellis

Orchestra's liability for hearing damage cellis Arnhem Court of Appeal 18 August 2009 Last week, the court of appeal [...]

School liability for gym class accident

Liability of school for accident in gym class Zwolle court 16 June 2009 On 20 January 2004, [...] took [...]

Labour inspectorate checks deafening work in discos

Labour Inspectorate checks deafening work in discos Press release Ministry SZW 18 May 2009 The Labour Inspectorate checks [...]

Fall over grape in potato, fruit and vegetable department of supermarket

Fall over grape in potato, fruit and vegetable department of supermarket Arnhem Court of Appeal 12 May [...]

Death damages taking over household chores and raising children

Death damages take over domestic duties and child rearing Supreme Court 10 April 2009 On 15 June [...]

Employer liability personal injury at roller skating workshop

Employer's liability personal injury in roller skating workshop Supreme Court 17 April 2009 The victim is a 47-year-old [...]