Working with machinery, what are the risks

Working with machinery carries risks. Labour InjuryAdvocates regularly receives reports of industrial accidents where work with a machine is the cause. For example, the injury is sustained by the moving parts of a machine. These may include drilling machines, saws or cutting machines. But also machines for planing, milling cleaning or other production machines on the assembly line.

If you have a accident have suffered from working with machinery, you can turn to Labour InjuryAdvocates. Our lawyers will help you hold the employer liable.

Possible consequences working with machinery

The consequences of a machine accident can be severe. Often, the injuries you sustain are permanent. Amputations, in particular, are a common injury. This can have major consequences, physically and emotionally as well as financially.

Losing a body part may mean that not all the work you did is still possible. Our lawyers will be happy to take your financial worries off your hands. We will help you with a compensation claim towards your employer.

Compensation for injury

If you are injured in the course of doing your job by working with a machine, the employer is soon liable. This liability may mean that he is obliged to pay you compensation for the injuries you sustained. Do you want to know exactly what you are entitled to? ArbeidsletselAdvocaten will help you with that.

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Safety regulations

A large number of regulations apply from the government that deal with working with machinery. Employees must be able to work safely. The regulations include machine safety. Physical shielding, for instance, is very important, but sometimes this is not present or insufficient. Inspection and maintenance of machinery, adequate information and training of workers and the layout of the workplace must also be in order.

We are at your service

As personal injury lawyers, we understand the impact on your life and are happy to help claim your damages. Contact us with no obligation.

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About ArbeidsletselAdvocaten

We are a team of personal injury lawyers in the heart of North Brabant. Our experienced specialists assist victims. Our lawyers understand that in addition to physical damage, an accident also has an emotional and financial impact. We therefore offer personal and professional support, straight from the heart. Our office is located in Tilburg. But for all North Brabant victims, we are also happy to come to your home. With us by your side, you will get the help you need to get your personal injury compensation justly compensated.

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