Reintegration and dismissal

Have you become incapacitated due to injury or have a occupational disease? After (partial) recovery, you would like to return to work. We call this reintegration. You want to get your life back and make sense of your day again. A great moment to look forward to. In some cases, this does not always go smoothly in practice. Perhaps your employer wants to fire you or is not cooperating with your reintegration.

Labour InjuryAdvocates is an expert in the complex field of reintegration law. A successful reintegration is very important for the rest of your life. We help you where necessary in the areas of reintegration and dismissal.

Reintegrating with your employer

In practice, not all employers are equally cooperative in the reintegration process. Labour disputes or dismissal may result. This is precisely why it is crucial that your reintegration is carefully supervised.

Are you going to reintegrate with your current employer? Then the occupational health and safety service will have to play an active role in this. Both a company doctor and an employment expert or reintegration expert can help. Of course, ArbeidsletselAdvocaten will help you with the guidance.

Reintegrating after injury: Gatekeeper Improvement Act

In addition, the Gatekeeper Improvement Act (WVP) created to promote reintegration. The WVP obliges you as an employee and your employer to both fully commit during the reintegration process. This will allow you to return to work at an appropriate level as soon as possible.

In the first two years of your illness process, you and your employer should work closely together. Reintegration can take place either at your current employer or at another (new) place.

We are at your service

As personal injury lawyers, we understand the impact on your life and are happy to help claim your damages. Contact us with no obligation.

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Problems with your employer while reintegrating?

In practice, an employer is not always fully committed during reintegration because:

  • your employer does not want to create adapted work;
  • he/she feels that reintegration is too expensive or difficult;
  • there is fear of falling out again due to illness;
  • she fears having to pay sick pay again for a longer period.

Sometimes your employer wrongfully does not supplement your income beyond 70%. Or he does not pay certain allowances. Is this the case with you? If so, contact us for a free consultation.

Liability for industrial accident or illness

Your employer may be liable for causing your occupational illness or accident. You will then probably be entitled to compensation. This will not make reintegration any easier, but may give you a helping hand.

Dismissal after personal injury: is this allowed?

Within the first two years, your employer is not allowed to dismiss you for illness. After two years of wage payment, your employer is no longer obliged to extend your contract (if it expires). He may also dismiss you. Yet - even after two years - compensation may be possible, if it turns out that your injury or your sickness symptoms caused your contract not to be renewed.

About ArbeidsletselAdvocaten

We are a team of personal injury lawyers in the heart of North Brabant. Our experienced specialists assist victims. Our lawyers understand that in addition to physical damage, an accident also has an emotional and financial impact. We therefore offer personal and professional support, straight from the heart. Our office is located in Tilburg. But for all North Brabant victims, we are also happy to come to your home. With us by your side, you will get the help you need to get your personal injury compensation justly compensated.

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