Personal injury in children

Your child is your great pride and joy. If your child suffers personal injury, it is the worst thing that can happen to you. Understandably so. Child injury deserves special attention for several reasons. The impact is great because your child may see his or her future prospects go up in smoke in one fell swoop. But so are you as a parent or the rest of the family. ArbeidsletselAdvocaten specialises in personal injury and assists you when your child's personal injury is involved.

Personal injury to a minor child always has a big impact. Sometimes immediately, but often later in life. Lasting consequences for the child often (unfortunately) become apparent only when he or she is an adult. Besides the great emotional suffering, it is very important to settle the financial side with care. Sometimes this means years of work, as damages in some cases are only finally settled when your child is an adult. Damages incurred in the interim should, of course, be compensated in the interim.   

Child injury and liability

If a child suffers damage or injury at the hands of someone else, there may be liability. Whether it is so is determined according to civil law rules and, if necessary, by a judge in civil proceedings. This civil liability is separate from criminal law. Therefore, there does not have to be a criminal offence on the part of the other party for liability to apply.

If liability is established, a claims process begins in which the amount of the compensation is established.

It is worth remembering that liability after personal injury in children can take many forms. Unsafe playground equipment, inattention in traffic or actions of other children. In the latter case, liability may lie with that child's parents.

We are at your service

As personal injury lawyers, we understand the impact on your life and are happy to help claim your damages. Contact us with no obligation.

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Compensation for children

When there is liability, a compensation in the picture. For example, costs you incur as a parent for your child's medical treatment are also eligible for reimbursement. Are you considering doing the care entirely yourself? Then the time spent can also be compensated. However, any study delays and the costs involved should also be compensated. If personal injury prevents your child from pursuing the expected career and missing out on the corresponding income he or she would have received without the injury, your child may be entitled to compensation for this loss of income. Estimating these damages is a profession in itself. This requires the right expertise and ArbeidsletselAdvocaten expertly assists you and your child.   

What we do is to achieve the best conceivable outcome in a situation that is of itself very sad and disruptive. In this, we assist you and explain every step. After all, there is already more than enough uncertainty and you want to know where you stand.

About ArbeidsletselAdvocaten

We are a team of personal injury lawyers in the heart of North Brabant. Our experienced specialists assist victims. Our lawyers understand that in addition to physical damage, an accident also has an emotional and financial impact. We therefore offer personal and professional support, straight from the heart. Our office is located in Tilburg. But for all North Brabant victims, we are also happy to come to your home. With us by your side, you will get the help you need to get your personal injury compensation justly compensated.

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