Personal injury in children
Your child is your great pride and joy. If your child suffers personal injury, it is the worst thing that can happen to you. Understandably so. Child injury deserves special attention for several reasons. The impact is great because your child may see his or her future prospects go up in smoke in one fell swoop. But so are you as a parent or the rest of the family. ArbeidsletselAdvocaten specialises in personal injury and assists you when your child's personal injury is involved.
Personal injury to a minor child always has a big impact. Sometimes immediately, but often later in life. Lasting consequences for the child often (unfortunately) become apparent only when he or she is an adult. Besides the great emotional suffering, it is very important to settle the financial side with care. Sometimes this means years of work, as damages in some cases are only finally settled when your child is an adult. Damages incurred in the interim should, of course, be compensated in the interim.