What is an occupational disease?

Of all workers in the Netherlands, about 5% have an occupational disease. This means that over 400,000 workers a year report with an occupational disease. The NCvB (Netherlands Centre for Occupational Diseases) uses the following definition for this: 'A disease or disorder resulting from a strain that occurred predominantly in work or working conditions.  

If an occupational disease has occurred, you may be entitled to compensation. Labour InjuryAdvocates will be happy to look at your possible rights with you.

How does an occupational disease occur?

An occupational disease is an illness that is work-related. Think of:

  • exposure to too much noise and sound;
  • exposure to toxic substances;
  • burnout or other psychological overload.

The consequences of occupational disease can be profound. It often involves permanent damage to health, permanent disability, and sometimes even death.

The combination of our expertise in personal injury and employment law provides the necessary expertise to assist you as an occupational disease victim. Moreover, we cooperate with a network of (medical) specialists, from toxicologist to occupational hygienist. And we know the way to various knowledge centres such as TNO Arbeid, for example. This expertise is indispensable to independently, without relying on the insurance company,

establish your illness and the causal relationship between them.

Occupational diseases later in life
Some diseases and/or conditions do not manifest until later in life. An example is exposure to hazardous substances, such as carcinogenic. Carcinogens cause cancer in over 75% of cases, which does not manifest until after the age of 65.

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Classification disorders

Disorders and/or diseases caused by work or certain working conditions are divided into three categories:

  • Classic occupational diseases show a link between cause and condition. Such as mesothelioma (cancer) from working with asbestos or isocyanates causing asthma.
  • In work-related disorders, there is a clear relationship with work, but there are usually multiple causes. Think of burn-out complaints as a result of long-term (over)workload. Work plays a role in this, but the private situation can also influence it.
  • Conditions that occur in certain work, working conditions or occupational groups. For example, people in occupations with irregular shifts have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

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Occupational diseases and personal injury

Do you have an illness or condition and think it was caused by your work? If so, you may be able to tell your employer for this hold it accountable. After all, your employer may not have fulfilled its duty of care, causing you to contract this occupational disease. If so, you are entitled to compensation from your employer.

Need a lawyer?

Employment Injury Lawyers works with a team of legal experts: all our lawyers have specialised in employment law and/or personal injury. We are happy to help you if you are dealing with an occupational disease and personal injury. Arbeidsletseladvocaten is here for you!

About ArbeidsletselAdvocaten

We are a team of personal injury lawyers in the heart of North Brabant. Our experienced specialists assist victims. Our lawyers understand that in addition to physical damage, an accident also has an emotional and financial impact. We therefore offer personal and professional support, straight from the heart. Our office is located in Tilburg. But for all North Brabant victims, we are also happy to come to your home. With us by your side, you will get the help you need to get your personal injury compensation justly compensated.

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