Category Archives: Nieuwsbericht

Mistreatment of employee by supervisor after working hours: employer not liable

Mistreatment of employee by supervisor after working hours: employer not liable Amsterdam Court of Appeal 11 August 2015. The ruling concerns an employee working as a cleaner at Bloemenveiling Aalsmeer. On 29 April 2008, a brawl ensued between the employee and his supervisor after work. On that day, the employee (and several other [...]

What is a reasonable amount of damages?

What is a reasonable amount of damages? Overijssel District Court 23 February 2015 A pedestrian is hit by a motorist while crossing the zebra crossing. He suffers very serious injuries as a result, including a high spinal cord injury (paralysed on arms and legs), very serious brain damage, and he can no longer breathe independently. Communication with others is not [...]

Loss of earning power

Loss of earning capacity single mother, working full-time or part-time, domestic help and painting work, damages and reimbursement of legal costs Arnhem-Leeuwarden Court of Appeal 5 August 2014 This judgment concerns a nurse who has limited vision in the right eye as a result of a medical error made by the Antonius Hospital in Sneek. The hospital is liable for 60%. The [...]

Group care worker assaulted by youths

Group leader care institution attacked by youths Amsterdam Court of Appeal 15 January 2013 This judgment concerns an employee employed by 's-Heeren Loo in Amersfoort. This is a care institution whose activities include supporting people with a mental disability. The employee is a group leader at a unit of 's-Heeren Loo that focuses specifically on young people [...].

Self-employed worker suffers serious accident while working

ZZP-er suffers serious accident while working. Client liable for personal injury Supreme Court 23 March 2012. The ZZP-er had been engaged by Allspan B.V., a company engaged in processing residual wood. The ZZP-er performed repairs on wood processing machines. While performing his work, he climbed on a machine and entered the machine [...].